> Dylan William Hardison wrote:
> > * http://tampa-bay.org/sigs.htm#LINUX
> > Very entertaining meetings usually.
> >
> Doesn't TBCS require membership dues to attend their SIG meetings?
Well, like most things, the answer is yes and no. Mostly, yes.
TBCS has an annual membership fee, it is either 25 or 30, the latter
lets you add your wife, SO etc. You then get a membership number.
You can attend all the general meetings, and each SIG meeting for
no additional cost. There is a Linux SIG, a VB SIG, an Internet Dev't
SIG and many others of varying interest. They are rather accepting of
'drop-ins' to evaluate the meetings once or twice without paying a fee,
or more exactly, being a member..
I believe the membership fee is justified as they rent meeting
space at two locations, one of them an office suite.
The SIGs are held in Clearwater at the Resource Center on Barry Rd.
The general meetings are at the community center in Largo and are
of general interest, many times they have a good program. Meetings are
evenings, for the ones I mentioned earlier..
The SIGs all tend to be hands-on with demo's etc. run thru a video
projector. Net connectivity is available via DSL.
Many of the SIG meetings head to a nearby 'watering hole' afterwards
for a social session, for those inclined.
Disclaimer: I am a TBCS member.
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