Re: Re: [SLUG] Re: GRUG Hard Disk Error when moving disk across machines

From: Tyler Vann-Campbell (
Date: Thu Aug 12 2004 - 00:30:09 EDT

> > waving several dead chickens over the BIOS, it finally booted and I
> > was able to get GRUB installed using GRUB.
> Hey, why not reformat the flash disk as a ext2/3/jfs/etc linux based
> file system and treat it like a normal disk. I suspect that it is not
> recognizing the file format on boot. If it's a type 83 then you might
> have better luck and no chicken have to die.
> James Haydon <>
Oh the boot partition is ext2 alright, I just setup GRUB on the disk
using a different BIOS and so when I moved it I suspect that the
geometry was translated differently by the (extremely broken, to quote

The dead chickens referred to the particular idiosyncrasy of this BIOS
that unless a hard drive was attached to the first IDE bus, a no-emul
cdrom wouldn't boot at all. Poor chickens.

I'm playing around with my initrd at the moment, trying to make it
smaller, since not writing to flash devices has effectively eliminated
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