Re: [SLUG] [OT] Gmail account

From: Robin \ (
Date: Thu Aug 19 2004 - 11:44:05 EDT

Knowles Burrell wrote:

>Does anyone know the method they use to give these out? I have had my
>account for a few months and have only received one invitation.
Got me. I have a Gmail account courtesy of Cliff Wood ("Ask Slashdot")
but have no invites to offer or I'd offer them.

Frankly, I see no great use for GMail. I can't use it as a backup to my account, which is what I use my Yahoo email account for.
Yahoo is more useful to me. I really only wanted that Gmail account to
tie up "Roblimo" -- unlike Rob Malda, who didn't get "CmdrTaco" on Gmail.

- Robin
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