Re: [SLUG] better way to consolidate shell commands

From: Eben King (
Date: Thu Aug 19 2004 - 16:03:47 EDT

On Thu, 19 Aug 2004, Mike Branda wrote:

> I've been taking advantage of the shared rsa key that Ian set me up with
> a while back for our 122 render nodes that allows me to ssh without a
> pwd to those specific machines. The next step was to create a couple of
> shell scripts that basically do a given command on all of
> them. for example ( and I know this is very basic so try not to laugh
> too hard.....) -
> #! /bin/sh
> echo "attempting to ssh as root"
> ssh root@ "df -h"
> echo "attempting to ssh as root"
> ssh root@ "df -h"
> echo "attempting to ssh as root"
> ssh root@ "df -h"
> echo "attempting to ssh as root"
> ssh root@ "df -h"
> echo "attempting to ssh as root"
> ssh root@ "df -h"
> echo "attempting to ssh as root"
> ssh root@ "df -h"
> echo "attempting to ssh as root"
> ssh root@ "df -h"

Wouldn't it be easier and more understandable to do

#! /bin/sh

for number in `seq 1 123` ; do
  command='df -h'
  echo attempting to ssh to $machine as root
  ssh root@$machine "$command"

? Anyhow, allowing root to ssh in is a bit of a security risk. You don't
know who is doing it; whereas, if you don't allow it and require everyone
to log in and su, you get a log entry something like "session opened for
user root by eben(uid=500)".

> and so on all the way through .123 at the end. If I want to see
> something else I just do a search and replace of whatever is in quotes.
> While this gets the job done, I know that this way is not very efficient
> and it will get worse as more nodes are added. In an effort to learn
> more, can anybody tell me if there's a way to add a variable that
> increases by a factor of 1 until it reaches a certain number (say
> .123)??

It seems I already took care of this. Whoops. So much for listening
before I talk. :-)

> If this could be done, I could just change the stop point for
> the variable. In addition to this does anybody know where any good web
> tutorials are for sh and bash scripting basics??

Hang out in Read what Chris F. A. Johnson writes; he's

-eben    ebQenW1@EtaRmpTabYayU.rIr.OcoPm

rm -f /bin/laden

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