Re: [SLUG] File Renaming

From: Levi Bard (
Date: Fri Aug 20 2004 - 16:59:17 EDT

>> for i in `find "${dir}" -name '*' | grep '/[^$]'`
> ^^^^^^^^^
>Skip that... it's the same as
> for i in `find "${dir}" | grep '/[^$]'`
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Hmm, I wasn't 100% sure about the results if you didn't specify a name,
but it makes sense.

>What does this do?
The grep statement removes any somedir/ and somedir entries, leaving
just somedir/otherdir/filename - to preserve directory names.

>While I'm at it, you can do
> for i in `ls "${dir}" | grep '/[^$]'`
Not quite, because ls only gives me one depth of the directory tree,
where find gives me the whole thing. I considered ls -R, but find can
be adapted to more flexible purposes later.
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