[SLUG] S.Slug

From: Logan Tygart (thelogan@allyourbase-arebelongto.us)
Date: Mon Aug 23 2004 - 21:05:22 EDT

Greetings Slugadonia,

What do you say we have the SSLUG meeting at my house? I will provide
cheap beer in an ice filled cooler. Folks can bring their own as they
will. (Guinness is always appreciated ;-)) Plus, I have 802.11b
connection if anyone really desires it. My casa is dog friendly. I am
only suggesting this as so many people, including myself, find the
prices of the C & B extortionate. I will post my address tommorow, for
those who do not know it, tomorrow, depending on the response here and
for those of you who use GAIM/Jabber and visit the sslug room att

The Logan

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One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president, and that one word is 'to be prepared.' -- Al Gore
ICQ: 72101412 AIM/MSN/Yahoo/Jabber: logantheclever
Registered Linux User: 277727

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