Re: [SLUG] Null modem and phone cord

From: Robert Foxworth (
Date: Sun Sep 19 2004 - 21:42:00 EDT

> >> YES, no telephone company connection is needed. Just a `pedistal
> cord".
> What's a pedistal cord? Google shows nothing.
> Since his question was:
> >>I'd like to know if it's possible to use a regular phone cord
> Are you really saying 'no', but no telephone connection is needed? Or
> you saying a conventional cord will work?
> Ken Elliott

I would bet serious Jamaican Dollars (of which I still have literally
that "pedestal" is in fact spelled "pedestal" so that a Google search on
the word "pedistal" is doomed to failure. Nonetheless I too remain
mystified and baffled at what a pedestal cord is. I suspect it some sort
direct connection cord from a C.O. environment, based on usage here.

My search found many references to power cords, and to pedestals which
are mounting bases to support something such as a floor fan. Then of
the pedestal is also a term from TV camera shading to show the level on
waveform monitor where reference black is, next to the sync pulse, which
"below black" i.e. a higher level (sync tips are the highest level of
all when xmitted
but are at the bottom of the waveform display.) An obscure use of that

So ... what IS a pedestal cord??

- Bob

** enough for a decent plate of Goat Curry

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