[SLUG] Re: Slug Newbie here... -- this is _not_ about morality

From: Bryan J. Smith (b.j.smith@ieee.org)
Date: Fri Dec 03 2004 - 01:53:55 EST

Chad Perrin wrote:

So did you! You posted to the list several times. Don't you _dare_
stated I cannot respond to the list _after_ you've done the same. That
just means you just want the "last word" but won't admit to it.

Rather pathetic if you ask me.

> Your victim mentality is well-known here, Bryan.

If you are referring to the previous thread with Robert Snyder, that are
countless people who can personally attest I did _not_ unsubscribe prior
because of him. I re-affirmed this even when I came back. I _silently_
unsubscribed and asked people _not_ to state this on-list. I just
wanted to "get away" for awhile -- I did that before with SLUG (for
many, many months), and I have every right too.

Not because I'm a "victim." But because I merely want to. Do _not_
read into them. I don't want you too. Any insinuation that I
unsubscribe to "make a point" will have no weight to them. Others can
and will verify this is very much the case. My use of the word "victim"
was directed towards specific people that considered me on a "moral high
horse" in this thread (totally ignoring the fact that I _did_ condone
the Asia comment -- which _would_ be a conflict with that viewpoint ;-)
-- and at _no_time_ did I even infer _anything_ was a list violation,

God, I just merely thought the comments, even as a joke, were not going
to attract women. Women laugh at them, they try to get along, but in
reality, they don't want to hear about popular actresses. They hear
them enough from other men. This has just been my observation, and I
_only_ shared it as such. You made further comments on what you thought
I would and wounldn't not object too, and I just don't know what to tell
you -- _you_ were doing far more "ass-u-me'ing" than you can even accuse
me of.

_No_one_ is "out to get me." Only 1 person (from LEAP) in my e-mail
life has actually made good on threats, and only 1 other person (from
JAXLUG) has made threats to do to the same level. But I _do_ run into
the issue that my "outside the box" _opinions_ regularly cause me to be
in the "minority," typically a very small one. And then some people
take my statements, which are _opinion_, and then treat them like I'm
pushing some sort of "fact." And that is simply _not_ the case.

Take my statements as _opinions_. Disregard them if you wish. I only
offer them for any benefit. Chuck them if you want. I rather tire of
people putting some much stock into my opinions when they disagree with
them anyway. Just ignored them then, _please_. ;->

-- Bryan

P.S. As far as picking on misspelling, grammar, etc... remember that
sometimes I don't have a full-up keyboard. And I _never_ pick on others
for their posting approach, format, etc... In fact, it's rather weak to
do so, and displays a rather argumentative and intolerance attitude in
general. And that appears to be the level you have now stepped to. You
can post again, but I'm not responding -- on-list or off-list. You can
have the "last word." Good day.

P.P.S. Just to "prove a point," I will _stay_subscribed_ but _not_ post
at all. But I'm sure this will not get me anywhere with you, and you
will continue to psycho-analyze me and ass-u-me until I'm dead. And
that's fine, your loss, your fixation, your whatever. At this point,
you don't seem interested in anything other than my discrediting.
That's what I get for stating my _opinion_ I guess.

Bryan J. Smith                                    b.j.smith@ieee.org 
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