[SLUG] My now very much too old flame...

From: steve szmidt (steve@szmidt.org)
Date: Sun Dec 05 2004 - 14:55:09 EST

Another flame note.

Why flame on the list at all? Having a technical discussion is one thing. Or
discussion of preferences on this or that.

When we get into the name calling and so on please take it offlist!

If you read something someone says that strikes you as offensive, handle it
offlist. Few, if any, are interested in reading on how someone else is
thought of this way or that way. We have our own opinions already.

Name calling is even worse. Who here is willing to drop it when someone accuse
them of something? Who here has the guts to ignore it or take it offlist?

I think what we should do is to keep a list of those who just cannot control
themselves from name calling and things.

The rules are simple. You read something you don't like and you call the
person names, or other degrading comments, the moment you take it to the list
you get a point.

If you type demeaning or degrading comments about others then you get one

Saying you are stupid, an idiot, nimkabob or similar names is one point,
whereas That is not correct, or I disagree, is OK.

Anything CAN be said without using inflamatory comments. You challenge me with
any situation and I'll show you how you can handle that without name calling
etc. Which only brings you down to their level anyway.

The idea that we should track things like this is not really what a list
should be about. The fact that someone even thought of it shows that there is
a problem. I honestly don't even like the idea of a "hothead.log". But
something should be held over the hot heads that just cannot keep some stuff
to themselves or offlist, and as a result lowers the value of the list.

Over and over someone thinks that someone else meant something different than
they did. Then in effect starts a "war" over it. If you did this somewhere
else than on a list people would shun you, and you'd notice that people were
shunning you. Unfortunately it's not that easy to avoid reading it when you
have to read it before you know what is going on.

Rather than thinking that it right for you to demonstrate your emotions on the
list ask yourself if you were at work how would you handle it? Just because
this list has a homy feeling to it does not mean you are at home.


Steve Szmidt

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