[SLUG] Computer stabbed to death with screwdriver

From: Ken Elliott (kelliott4@tampabay.rr.com)
Date: Sun Dec 19 2004 - 08:02:31 EST

OK, I confess. I killed my computer by stabbing it to death with a

File this one under "no good deed goes unpunished".

I was troubleshooting a friend's dead PC, and was down to the motherboard or
processor. I decided to remove my Athlon XP and insert it in the dead
computer (yes, you can see it coming).

The heatsink is held on with a clip that requires a screwdriver to remove.
Space between the power supply and clip was tight and rather dark. I had to
insert the screwdriver between two tabs on the clip and press hard. I
didn't realize it, but my screwdriver was too wide to properly fit between
the tabs. Pressing hard, the tap bent and the screwdriver slammed into the
fragile motherboard, destroying several traces, capacitors, and other items.
Sign. At least I had a spare motherboard.

Here comes the Linux part. The machine has removable hard drives, and the
replacement motherboard has a completely different chipset. W2K freaked, of
course, and it took a while to give it all the drivers it needed, and
cleanup the old stuff. But the Linux HDD (Xandros) came right up. Even
when I booted it using the integrated graphics chip (before installing my
nVidia card), it didn't care. The only issue was glTron running _very_
slow, due to GL in software rather than hardware.

And you thought I had gotten banned...<grin>

Ken Elliott

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