[SLUG] Data base help

From: SOTL (sotl155360@earthlink.net)
Date: Tue Feb 08 2005 - 16:58:16 EST

Hi All

I need to create a DB as my current usage of a spreadshead for one has hit the
logical max number of entries of over 10,000 [Ten Thousand] entries.

This is an issue that for most of you would be a triviality but is something
that is above my ability at the current time.

Logically the ideal way to do this would be to buy a book, utilize how tos et.
and use examples. This of course is a fine procedure if the system one is
using is functional. If the system is not functional then learning what a DB
is suppose to do and learning that the installation is not functioning
correctly can be a daunting task. My last experience with attempting to make
a DB function while not knowing what the DB is suppose to do was to say the
least not a pleasant experience.

Thus I would appreciate it if someone who has some knowledge of DB
installation and writing could demonstrate and help me formulate one at one
of the Linus meetings.

The level of data base I am think of if viewed on a spread sheet should be
about 5 lines wide and 10 or so lines long of the type:

If some one has interest in helping by demonstrating how this is done I would
appreciate their indicating so either on or off list.

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