> Have the smartd daemon running to check my Linux drive,
> Don't understand what it is telling me. As per:
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> This email was generated by the smartd daemon running on:
> host name: EasyStreet
> DNS domain: [Unknown]
> NIS domain:
> The following warning/error was logged by the smartd daemon:
> TEST EMAIL from smartd for device: /dev/hdb
> For details see host's SYSLOG (default: /var/log/messages).
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Don't have any messages in /var/log/messages from smartd. Is it just
> telling me it is sending a test e-mail ?? I get that message twice a
> day, about 3 minutes apart. Could that just be start & stop?
Sounds like something is restarting smartd... and in particular,
starting it with -M test. Is it about the same time every day?
Probably worth checking cron.daily. If there's nothing there it might
be triggered by logrotate or something along those lines. Taking the
-M test out of smartd startup should stop the daemon from sending that
test mail if you'd rather never see them.
~ Daniel
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