[SLUG] RAM errors

From: Eben King (eben1@tampabay.rr.com)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2005 - 10:04:03 EST

So I had the bright idea that the RAM errors I saw turned up by Memtest86
1.20 on System Rescue CD 0.2.15 (the most recent) weren't _all_ the RAM
errors, and that the unseen ones were responsible for recent crashes.

I ran just the failing test (#5) with scroll lock turned on (that version of
Memtest is so old it doesn't maintain a history of errors), and sure enough,
a few in the 247MB range, some in the 5xx MB range, and a bunch in thee
766.x MB range. There may have been others that scrolled by so fast I could
not stop in time. I have one each 256 MB and 512 MB DIMMs. Run Memtest
with only one and see if it still acts up? Burn Memtest onto a CD-RW? Get
BadRAM and attempt to patch my kernel? What are the odds that it's not the
RAM at all, but some component on the motherboard?

I was going to order two more 512 MB DIMMs anyhow (motherboard doesn't
support 1 GB DIMMs and last I checked they were more than twice the price of
512 MB DIMMs anyhow). Should I run Memtest with those PLUS one of the
existing DIMMs and treat any passing DIMMs as a bonus?

-eben    ebQenW1@EtaRmpTabYayU.rIr.OcoPm    home.tampabay.rr.com/hactar
GEMINI:  Your birthday party will be ruined once again by your explosive
flatulence. Your love life will run into trouble when your fiancee hurls a
javelin through your chest.  -- Weird Al, _Your Horoscope for Today_

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