Re: [SLUG] RAM errors

From: Eben King (
Date: Fri Feb 18 2005 - 06:11:38 EST

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, perthie wrote:

> > BadRAM and attempt to patch my kernel? What are the odds that it's
> > not the RAM at all, but some component on the motherboard?
> Anything is possible, but I'd suspect ram first.

The 256 MB DIMM was in slot #1 (of 3), with the 512 MB DIMM in #3. I
removed the 256 and checked the 512 alone, no errors. Fine. Maybe slot #1
is bad? So I put the 256 in slot #2 alone, and memtest86 wouldn't run.
Guess that DIMM is bad, or BOTH slot #1 and slot #2 are bad...

I knew that 512 MB would cramp my style, and I had wanted to upgrade anyhow
(VMware's unhappy), so I unlent that 512 MB DIMM I'd put in another
computer. Now memtest gets some errors. But they're on test 5, and the web
page says:

| There have been numerous reports of errors with only tests 5 and 8 on
| Athlon systems. Often the memory works in a different system or the vendor
| insists that it is good. In these cases the memory is not necessarily bad
| but is not able to operate reliably at Athlon speeds. Sometimes more
| conservative memory timings on the motherboard will correct these errors.
| In other cases the only option is to replace the memory with better
| quality, higher speed memory. Don't buy cheap memory and expect it to work
| with an Athlon! On occasion test 5/8 errors will occur even with name
| brand memory and a quality motherboard. These errors are legitimate and
| should be corrected.

So I'm not worrying too much, but I'll make sure that any future RAM
purchases are of a decent quality.

Maybe I'll put the bad DIMM back in, and use BadRAM to mask out the bad
bits. Speaking of BadRAM, they only have patches up to 2.4.23 (for 2.4
kernels), and I use 2.4.29. The .23 patch appears to work. Has anyone used
it and can confirm that it works, or does anyone know that the appropriate
subsystems have not changed enough to matter since then?

-eben    ebQenW1@EtaRmpTabYayU.rIr.OcoPm
CANCER:  The position of Jupiter says that you should spend the
rest of the week face down in the mud.  Try not to shove a roll of
duct tape up your nose when taking your driver's test.  -- Weird Al

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