On Feb 20, 2005, at 8:07 PM, Richard Smoot wrote:
> My wife is using XANDROS 2.0 Deluxe with Mozilla 1.6.
> She can get her email OK, but can't open links or successfuly start
> Navigator. I can get to the web with XANDROS file manager OK.
> When I try to start Mozilla, all I get is the upper toolbar with the -
> and +.
> I have let it run for an hour without fully starting. While it is
> trying to
> start, the CPU usage stays around 80%. I usually have to Kill it to
> stop it. In root mode Mozilla works OK. In my wife's mode looks like it
> its trying to do something it can't.
> I get no error messages. With RoadRunner unpluged it does the same
> thing.
> Is there any file I can delete to stop this behavior?
Sounds like something in the Mozilla install got corrupted. Removing
and reinstalling it would probably fix the issue.
Steven Buehler | swbuehler@yahoo.com/steven@sanctuaryweb.org
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