Paddy wrote:
> Does anyone on this list tutor Java? I have a 16 year old son who
> writes code in Basic and C but was forced to take Java in school. He is
> having trouble understanding the teacher and after meeting him (the
> teacher) so am I.
> I want to give my son the opportunity to learn the damn language even
> though I see no useful purpose for it.
Hey Paddy:
I can appreciate your frustration at being asked to learn seemingly
useless languages. I felt that way about Pascal in high school. To this
day I've never been asked to write any real code in Pascal... However,
Java is in use at my company (more than 10,000 employees) and it is
considered our web standard. As for tutoring, Sun has a CDROM based
introduction to Java. There are also some good Java books (Schildt).
Plus in the books-by-the-pound aisle there are usually dozens of Java
references and tutorial books. The core stuff (i.e., the stuff covered
in most high school programming classes) will be the same for the older
The Sun RPM works well under Linux and makes a good development
platform. If you need help setting up the environment, shoot me an email
(or one to the list) and I can try to help you through it.
All the best,
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