On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 09:37:28PM -0500, Eric Jahn wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 21:14 -0500, Pete Theisen wrote:
> > No one brought the CD to the meeting tonight anyway.
> [Sarasota Social Lug Synapsis]
> True, CDs were lacking at the SSLUG tonight, but we did however manage
> to get around to discussing a new Open Source project for the creation
> of an excessively Nerf-armed Apache helicopter to softly but
> overwhelmingly punish crowds of dissidents worldwide. If that Open
> Source project failed, we would then GPL the code for the Nerf Dong
> nuclear missile.
This sounds vaguely obscene. ;-}
Let's see-- I suppose the Nerf Dong nuclear missile would raise the
temperature of the surrounding vicinity ten whole degrees, and instead
of massive sunburn, everyone would just go pale. They'd call it "Cubicle
Palidity Syndrome". Millions would be spent for a cure until someone
discovered pizza and strongly caffeinated drinks cured the condition
completely. Oddly enough, Cubicle Palidity Syndrome has the unintended
side effect of making computers run 10% faster.
> Nobody would perish, because the porous holes in the
> foam would allow people to breath until the dissidents were rescued and
> forced to apologize for disagreeing.
> Lastly, at the meeting, both Kemp and I were actually served root beer
> infused Guinesses.
That _definitely_ sounds obscene! ;-}
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