Re: [SLUG] what to think about the next ver

From: Bob File (
Date: Tue Apr 19 2005 - 09:13:33 EDT

-----Original Message-----

>Adam used a beta version that did not have all of the packages I just found out....see the updated review. I have >installed the gold code and there is plenty of MP3 players - maybe what he likes isn't in there...don't know.

Thank you for the feedback/details, John.

I notice this morning that the (suse 9.3) order site no longer says preorder.
I don't mind supporting the company by buying CD's; just seems a little high, but I'll probably do it anyway ;-} .
Note that I have skipped a version, so I probably won't be able to "upgrade", but it was always a waste of time in the past: as somone else said - save data and home directroy to somewhere else and start over by letting the installler partition the drive.
 I mean a waste of time in that when the upgrade got done installing over top the old installation there was always some things that didn't work properly. I assume that the suse folks know this .. .. ..

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