[SLUG] interesting RedHat news

From: Doug Koobs (dkoobs@dkoobs.com)
Date: Wed May 11 2005 - 10:41:18 EDT

I just wanted to call attention to a couple of recent interesting stories regarding
RedHat. Of course, if you're a regular at SlashDot and OSNews, you've already seen

Matthew Szulik and Steve Balmer dine together in NY:

Michael Dell invests $100 Million in Redhat:

Could these two be related in any way? Will MS begin to port some products to Linux,
like they have for Apple? Could Dell start shipping products with RedHat installed
(if they don't already)? Should I add another layer to my tin foil hat? Or is this
the beginning of the inevitable Linux world domination prophesied for so long? And
does this belong on the Politics list?

I'm forclempt... Talk amongst yourselves...

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