Date: Mon May 23 2005 - 10:41:54 EDT

Dear Friend,
Please bear with me for sending this letter to you surprisingly. My name is Mr Nnekwu Ojoh, a young man originally from Liberia in west Africa.
My sole purpose of contacting you is for you to assist me in selling in your country or elsewhere of my rough (uncutted) diamonds which weighs 14,220 carats,from (3-45 carats),(3kg gross)on the scale,("H"VS-1 quality), all rough and worths about(US$8Million).
I shall map out 10% of the sales proceeds to you for your kind assistance. And 3% will be maped out for any misscelenous expenses that might occur during the process of transfering the diamonds from here to your country.
The diamonds was deposited by my late father in a holding firm here in Dakar-Senegal, and it is waiting for my order to be transfered as I am the "NEXT OF KIN" to the deposit as it is indicated in all the depositional documents which i can send to you on request.
Please indicate your acceptance to this business proposal by sending to me your contact phone and fax numnbers for our verbal communication.
Hoping to hear from you soonest.And until then, i remain with the best of my regards to you.
God bless.
Yours truly
Nnekwu Ojoh.

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