Re: [SLUG] Linux the free operating system

From: John Pugh (jpugh@NOVELL.COM)
Date: Fri May 27 2005 - 11:54:26 EDT

>>> 5/27/05 10:42:31 AM >>>
>Linux can and always be found for free legally. Don't forget it's also free
>as in free speech. You are paying for RedHat enhancements to the GNU/Linux
>operating system, which aren't free (in at least one sense of the word,
>maybe both). I use Gentoo, which is made by a non-profit corp so it's free.
>Debian is also free. Slackware is also free. Fedora is also free, and made
>by RedHat. It's the continuation of the old free RedHat.
>The moral of the story- stay away from RedHat :P
>(I don't really have anything against RedHat. I just hate using their OS.) don't pay for the OS. The OS is at no cost. You are paying for support and you are paying for the mechanisms and time it takes to put updates together in a cohesive and usable package available via their update mechanism. In the case of RedHat, Fedora is their beta test of the latest features and updates as is SUSE LINUX Pro 9.3. For what it's worth, Novell Linux Desktop (the Novell version of an enterprise desktop) is $90 (MSRP). What you get for $90 is a media kit, 2 years of updates (full updates not security only like in SUSE Pro) and simple support (our support mechanism for enterprises is a little different).

Remember...nothing is free. Absolutely nothing. It may be no cost to you, but it's never entirely free.


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