Re: [SLUG] Linux the free operating system

From: steve szmidt (
Date: Fri May 27 2005 - 21:59:46 EDT

On Friday 27 May 2005 19:47, Kwan Lowe wrote:
> As far as applications go, Linux and OpenBSD share much of the same code
> so it's sort of a wash as far as user space security. For servers, the

I personally agree with most but this is not entirely correct. OBSD uses
amongst other things random memory allocations, priviledge separation and
revocation. ProPolice handles buffer overflows, and so on. These features
keeps the machine secure in user space as well.

But I do agree with the TCP stack, even the hard disk I/O is not the best.
OBSD does however have a very complete support for most protocols.

> SELinux extensions are really powerful. I worked at a firewall company
> recently and they chose Linux over OpenBSD because of the MAC (mandatory
> access control) features of SELinux *and* because the Linux TCP/IP stack
> was better in most cases than OpenBSD's (in fact, some benchmarks place
> OpenBSD *last* ). Linux currently has
> much better scalability (SMP support, e.g.) and this is really necessary
> for higher end systems.

I'm not so sure if I'd give up the above OBSD features for the faster stack.
When you leave x86 OBSD get's even better as you can get even better (more
security minded processors) with f.ex. Sun.

Linux has a tremendous forward momentum and offers a number of compelling
reasons to use with something like SELinux. My problem is that after seing
how ingenious good hackers are, I don't want to give up on some of these
features that OBSD offers.


Steve Szmidt

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