Re: [SLUG] Linux the free operating system

From: steve szmidt (
Date: Sat May 28 2005 - 08:54:38 EDT

On Friday 27 May 2005 23:07, Kwan Lowe wrote:
> steve szmidt wrote:
> > I'm not so sure if I'd give up the above OBSD features for the faster
> > stack. When you leave x86 OBSD get's even better as you can get even
> > better (more security minded processors) with f.ex. Sun.
> I have to disagree here. I'm willing to trade some security for the
> better performance, better support (hw/sw and vendor), and better ease
> of use/configuration. This is more for practical reasons than anything
> else. It's hard enough to convince a manager to replace his IIS box with
> Linux; imagine installing OpenBSD and not having SATA or SMP support
> (almost ubiquitous for my customers' x86 systems)?

OK, I'm not talking about production machines but firewalls. I've yet to use
OBSD for anything but firewall duty.

Don't get me wrong. There are reasons not to use OBSD. Like Theo's childlike
tantrums. The idea of not making tools work for the less technical people, as
with vi features from 10 years ago.

I definitely have the idea that the OBSD camp do not have a lot of expertise
outside security. Certainly the focus is security not performance.
Fortunately computers are a lot faster than the network connections so it
takes a lot to over load even the "slow" stack. I'm bracketing the stack as
even being the slowest one out there, it's still plenty fast for most

> > Linux has a tremendous forward momentum and offers a number of compelling
> > reasons to use with something like SELinux. My problem is that after
> > seing how ingenious good hackers are, I don't want to give up on some of
> > these features that OBSD offers.
> Not even for the cool penguin mascot?!?!

Well, maybe for that...


Steve Szmidt

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