Apologies if this is double-posted. I don't think it made it through the
first attempt.
Giving away two OLD PCs.
One is Franklin Ace 500 (Apple ][ clone). 12" monochrome monitor(green
phosphor), keyboard/mainboard combo. No HD, 5.25in floppy drive. System
should be fully operable if you can find any bootable media for it.
Next up is IBM PS/2 Model 25. Mainboard integrated into monitor base.
Huge and heavy PS/2 keyboard(compatible with modern PS/2 keyboards.
System will also accept and use a PS/2 mouse. 3.5in floppy drive
non-functional, I believe the read/write head is damaged in some way.
System will boot to DOS if hard drive is connected, loads into IBM Basic
if HD disconnected. Includes a printer cable, but no printer, looks like
a serial port. System also includes a "Gamecard III Plus" joystick
expansion card, which doesn't seem to fit properly into the riser board
slot. Oh, and Leisure Suit Larry is installed, although I can't seem to
configure the video drivers to run it. :-(
Anyone interested should email me off-list. Be aware that you'll have to
come get it in Pinellas Park.
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