On the 30th of May, 2005, the merry folk of St. Pete SLUG did *not*
meet at Panera Bread. Our fearless leader, Aaron Steimle, was off in
New Orleans, and apparently Panera's was not open Monday, since it was
Memorial Day.
Despite the fact that Aaron said they would be. His wooden shoes
must've been on too tight, we supposed at the meeting.
So, I arrived a few minutes before seven to find my good friends
James, Angela, and Bill Lancaster waiting outside. There was also a
new fellow named Stich, who has more computer hardware than... I
dunno. A cyborg.
James quickly informed me that Panera's was closed.
Shortly there after, Paul Kunz (a high energy physicist and noted
hacker) appears in a puff of charm quarks. He said hi, and then
disappeared again.
So, much talking went on as to where we'd go.
Meanwhile Jonathon and Brian arrived. After some more talking, we
decided on Denny's. Stich donated some paper, tape, and I believe a
pen, and we placed a note on the door of Panera's.
Thus we assembled at Denny's. In addtion to the those earlier mentioned,
our semi-new member Macy was there, as well as several a few new people.
New people younger than I, even.
Firstly there was Peter the Alchemist (who made fermalgahide near the
end of the meeting) and Dan the Possum, who brought along some
non-linux people.
Also in attendence was Paul Kunz's wife and mother.
There was lots of fun and random conversation, and I think a good time
was had by all. Despite the mishaps with the meeting location. Topics
of discussion included turning a perl program into C. This perverse
idea was forwarded by Jonathon.
Also Paul Kunz noted he was in not-exactly-friendly water, being an
emacs user and python programmer in a land of Vim users and perl
Also, some photographs were taken by Paul Kunz's wife, in which Peter
the Alchemist posed with a penguin mask next to Paul. The penguin mask
was provided by the Denny's staff. They must have known we were
The new-comers were interested in the IRC channel, and both ended up
arriving there in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. As a result of
this, and other discussions that happened in #slug.fl, Tuesday was the
busiest day in #slug.fl history. Over 3000 lines of chat occured.
It's true! See the stats: http://hardison.net/slug/stats/slug-fl.html
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