On 6/15/05, Eben King <eben1@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Jun 2005, Chuck Hast wrote:
> > I just sshed in from a windoz box running putty which allows you to not
> > close the session when it caves in,
> There's a field at <main window> -> Connection -> SSH for "Remote command";
> that might be useful for things like "echo appname | sh" (no quotes). Not a
> good solution for end users, but OK for fooling around.
> > here is the results of the login...
> >
> > login as: fpacuser
> > fpacuser@n4xeo.no-ip.com's password:
> > Welcome to Knoppix (Kernel 2.4.22-xfs)
> Well heck. The "Welcome to Knoppix" line is printed when login is
> successful, so username/password are OK. Past that, geez. Um, is anything
> useful printed in /var/log/messages or the application's log file? Is the
> app listed in /etc/shells? How about making a script that contains
> ,--
> | #! /bin/sh
> | exec that_app
> '--
> and set it as the shell? (Take the stuff out of ~fpacuser/.profile if
> there's any.) My hope in this case is that the app doesn't like the
> environment /sbin/sshd sets up for it, and maybe /bin/sh would be more to
> its liking.
> > as soon as it prints the last line and a emply line or so, it flashes a
> > box saying that the connection has been dropped.
I just went into the logs, here is the /var/log/auth.log from the
working machine:
Jun 15 23:50:08 fpac-dev sshd[31997]: Accepted password for fpacuser
from port 4531
Jun 15 23:50:08 fpac-dev ssh(pam_unix)[32007]: session opened for user
fpacuser by (uid=1004)
Jun 15 23:50:08 fpac-dev pam_limits[32007]: setrlimit limit #6 to
soft=-1, hard=-1 failed: Operation not pe
rmitted; uid=1004 euid=1004
It is the last jun 15 entry that is interesting, but one this machine
you are dropped to
the fpacnode app as the shell and it works just fine...
Below is the /var/log/auth.log from the machine that is failing
Jun 15 23:54:33 fpac sshd[2801]: Accepted password for fpacuser from port 4540
Jun 15 23:54:33 fpac ssh(pam_unix)[2803]: session opened for user
fpacuser by (uid=1007)
Jun 15 23:54:33 fpac pam_limits[2803]: setrlimit limit #6 to soft=-1,
hard=-1 failed: Operation not permitted; uid=1007 euid=1007
Jun 15 23:54:34 fpac ssh(pam_unix)[2803]: session closed for user fpacuser
Notice that on this one the session is closed for user fpacuser...
-- Chuck Hast To paraphrase my flight instructor; "the only dumb question is the one you DID NOT ask resulting in my going out and having to identify your bits and pieces in the midst of torn and twisted metal."----------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.
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