On 6/28/05, Paul M Foster <paulf@quillandmouse.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 28, 2005 at 01:28:42PM -0700, T8ertot dude wrote:
> > Hey I'm new to the whole linux scene and I was
> > wondering if I should switch from RH ES to Gentoo
> > because of the package management. I have been told
> > that Portage is one the best. Any thoughts
> > appreciated.
> If you're new to this, I'd advise against Gentoo. Gentoo packaging is
> good, but all packages are compiled from source on your machine (while
> you wait). Also, there is quite a learning curve to learning how to
> tweak Gentoo. (Actually, I have heard there are some Gentoo variants
> where the packages are precompiled and available for downloading, but I
> don't know much about them.)
> There's no way to avoid packaging and dependency hell completely, but
> some distros do it better than others. Chuck's problem appears to be
> that he's not satisfied with running the latest Evolution available for
> SuSE. He wants the latest available anywhere. As Mike said, it takes
> time for distributions to test and repackage versions of things for
> users, so there's a lag between the latest being out, and you being able
> to get a precompiled version of that latest version packaged for your
> distro.
No, I just want the last stable release which appears to be, there is
even higher numbered releases (Mike pointed one out) but I am trying to
make sure I get one that I have a reasonble idea will work with the exchange
server, and my understanding is that has a much higher possibility of
doing so than what I had (1.4)
> If you want to accept what the distro gives you for packages (that is,
> not the latest latest latest), any major distro will probably do. By
> "major distro" I mean Fedora/Red Hat, SuSE, Mandriva/Mandrake, or
> Debian. (I did not include Slackware because its "packaging" is not on
> the same level as the other distros; Patrick Volkerding does what he
> wants to do, which often is not what others think he should do.) Fedora,
> SuSE and Mandriva probably are more current than Debian, but Debian
> edges them out with its package management tool (like apt-get) and its
> dependency checking.
When I go in to find a the latest for SuSE 9.1 I got Evolution 1.4 that is
what I had and it would not work with the nasty thing on the far end...
> If you want to tinker, then you might as well resign yourself to some
> pain along the way.
Believe me I have been tinkering, I have been learning how to pull in
and compile modules with changes sent to me to test... That was
supposed to be the fun part, the Evolution thing I was hoping was
going to be aim something at the right package and get it and be done
with it so I could concentrate on the radio stuff I have been working
with and trying to get bits and pieces of it tested as others modify the
code and send it to me. Having broke and fixed the test machine now
numerous times, I do have a little bit more of the search and pull
package tricks. I indeed have learned a great respect for the Debian
tools they may not be as glitzy as the GUI stuff but they sure do WORK!
But this is all about learning and that is what I am trying to do, I just
was not planning on doing so much of it with the desk top.... Ooppps
it is raining again, there goes the sceptic tank and the yard... Ohh so
much water!!
-- Chuck Hast To paraphrase my flight instructor; "the only dumb question is the one you DID NOT ask resulting in my going out and having to identify your bits and pieces in the midst of torn and twisted metal."----------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.
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