Greetings, Slugadonia.
This month's tampa meeting was mild, and once again Mario-less. I
didn't write about last month's Tampa meeting because it wasn't so
exciting. For those that were un-aware, Mario ended up being absent.
I spoke with Mario by carrier pigeon earlier in the day, and he
informed me that Chad Perrin would be in charge of the Tampa meeting
this month. Which, indeed, he was.
However, as Nate Anderson and I winged our way to the meeting, I
received a call from Chad. He was running on time, and wouldn't be
early for the meeting. He asked me to inform people of his on-timeness
should they get restless.
Nate and I arrived at about 6:50, and by the time we got to the
meeting room it was around 7:00, and people were already talking and
making merry.
Briefly I got everyone's attention, thanked HCC and Wayne Pollock for
hosting the meeting, made some people clap, and invited a new person,
Bob, to introduce himself. Then I sat down. (And everyone sighed in
The above mentioned Bob was having difficulties with his laptop;
specifically getting the cdrom to work and some networking issue too.
Jonathon, William Overstreet, Alex Harris, and myself tried our best
to help, but to almost no avail.
William perhaps gave the most help.
Chad finally arrived with two beatniks at 7:15, and introduced
himself, and started a call of introductions around the room. This was
entertaining, as some people have very quaint ways of introducing
themselves. (Such as Tina's, "I'm not bob").
Before that, actually, Chad went into a detailed description of his
life history, achievements, and ambitions. During this period, William
made obscene gestures.
That all over with, Chad volunteered a presentation of Centericq
(which I voiced disapproval over its interface). Pat the Oracle, Bob
Foxworth (Not the earlier mentioned Bob), and I think the beatniks
expressed interest.
As usual, the speaker was heckled in the IRC channel.
I spent a lot of time running back and forth between the people I was
sitting with (Tina, Nate, and Alex) and the people assisting the new
Oh, yes, and making Tina and Nate dizzy by spinning in my desk chair.
Towards the end of the meeting, it broke into watching Strong bad
emails, some other flash cartoons, and listening to the Picard song.
Also a discussion of linguistics came up.
To which I made the mistake of saying the Y in my name is not a vowel.
I should have said it is a near-close vowel, which is accurate.
I think somehow the language discussion got turned in a political one
shortly there after.
What happened at Benigan's, stays at Benigan's. Especially what Alex
did to that Leprechaun...
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