Chuck Hast wrote:
>On 7/20/05, Mavrick <> wrote:
>>>A word of caution;...
>>>. Be cautious.
>>Its that kind of attitude...
>>not just stand on the sidelines.
>>Chuck, my hat is off to you in taking the initiative in getting
>>something started. Let us know how it goes.
>Thanks, a tip'o my hat to the folks behind the badge, they really do it for
>love and not money, I have been there and got the tee shirt with the bullet
Oooo, sensitive area...
Suffice it to say, my humble beliefs are that there are good ones
and bad ones, just like in every other arena or avenue of life. I also
think that since they are in a position of power, the bad ones cause a
whole lot more damage than a surley grocery bagger or unnattentive
waitress. I will definately give due to those that do it for the love,
but I've been burned by some who had some kind of sick vendetta. The
recollections have a similar effect on my stomach to the whole "Geek
Petting" thing. :-) I'm certainly not going to support any
generalizations--negative or positive. Personally I would err on the
side of caution, but I'm not telling anybody what to do, either.
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