cygwin gives you the standard GNU utilities to run
under windows. The list is quite large of the
packages and even includes (rooted and
rootless), apache, gcc and all development stuff.
If you want to run an actual Linux distribution on top
of Windows, check out colinux
I use cygwin mainly for all the normal command-line
tools I'm use to (vi, sed, awk, find, diff, perl,
bash). I find it useful when I've got some wierd file
in an odd ball format I want to extract data out of.
Or to rip ISO CD images with readcd.
cygwin itself is not a program, but a library for
Windows that provides a POSIX environment. To build
packages, you can usually just ./configure;make;make
--- William Coulter <> wrote:
> I don't quite get it. This program runs on windows
> and lets you run linux on windows? What kind
> of things can you run? What do you us it for?
> William
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