[SLUG] Suck it dry

From: Chuck Hast (wchast@gmail.com)
Date: Tue Aug 02 2005 - 09:05:58 EDT

I had a HD failure on a laptop I use. I can use several of the live CD's to go
in and look at it. Appears that something has been damaged in the boot
sector as no matter what I do, I can not get it to boot now. Besides it is
making some nasty noises so it appears to be on it's way out.

What I want to do is use a live CD to mount the thing and the suck it
over to the Windows XP box where I need to get the stuff. I have been
able to get my Mepis live CD to set up the smb stuff, but the disk is
read only for root, the mepis live CD only alows smb to see 'DEMO"
what I did was create a symlink between /mnt/hda1 and /home/demo
and got around that one, then I chmod'd the disk so it was read for
all users, but when I used the -R option it only make certain files
and directories readable by others along with root.

Any recommendations, I need to suck all of this stuff off of the HD onto
the new HD and at least Linux will let me get in there (windows just
grins and says 'yea right!'.

All I want to be able to do is set all on the disk read only for others
besides root so I can start the process of copying it off.

Chuck Hast 
To paraphrase my flight instructor;
"the only dumb question is the one you DID NOT ask resulting in my going
out and having to identify your bits and pieces in the midst of torn
and twisted metal."

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