Well our web host uses analog to give stats but it doesn't do unique
visitors. I found a project called "visitors" that does and also
outputs visio style traffic flowcharts. However, they only give me real
apache log files for 5 days. After that all you get is what analog
outputs for up to 2 years I think. So I've started cat-ing the
access.log.0 (the 1 day old logrotate file) to the end of a cumulative
file so I can use visitors. I'm also gzipping the last month's file so
I can conserve as much space as possible. It worked great the last 2
months but now I have the current month's unzipped file, and 2 gzipped
files and my weak attempt at a bash script coughed. It worked great
from a cron job with 1 gz and 1 unzipped. So the issue is that I need
to somehow say for file in access.*.gz (where * is monthly date). Try
not to laugh at this too hard as it's only my second attempt at a bash
script. :^) I built in an else and elif to handle if one of the files
is missing somehow. So the deal is that $file1 is now multiple files.
also keep in mind that evolution is wrapping the long lines.
Any help would be appreciated.
Mike Branda Jr.
commanda="$home/bin/visitors -A -m 30 -o html -f $outputfilea -"
commandb="$home/bin/visitors -T -V -"
if [ -e $logdir/$file1 ] && [ -e $logdir/$file2 ]
echo "starting visitors with both files"
(gunzip -c $logdir/$file1 && cat $logdir/$file2) | $commanda
(gunzip -c $logdir/$file1 && cat $logdir/$file2) | $commandb >
cat $outputfileb | sed 's/\[splines=true/\[splines=true
fontpath="\/home\/wws1\/fonts\/"/' > $outputfilec
$commandc $outputfilec -Tpng > $outputgraph
elif [ -e $logdir/$file2 ]
echo "starting visitors with $file2"
cat $logdir/$file2 | $commanda
cat $logdir/$file2 | $commandb > $outputfileb
cat $outputfileb | sed 's/\[splines=true/\[splines=true
fontpath="\/home\/wws1\/fonts\/"/' > $outputfilec
$commandc $outputfilec -Tpng > $outputgraph
echo "starting visitors with $file1"
zcat $logdir/$file1 | $commanda
zcat $logdir/$file1 | $commandb > $outputfileb
cat $outputfileb | sed 's/\[splines=true/\[splines=true
fontpath="\/home\/wws1\/fonts\/"/' > $outputfilec
$commandc $outputfilec -Tpng > $outputgraph
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