Re: [SLUG] Pinellas county moving to Linux???

From: Robert Snyder (
Date: Tue Sep 13 2005 - 13:49:43 EDT

John Pugh wrote:

>>>>On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 9:58 am, in message
> wrote:
>>Do you have any references (links) about the use of Linux in Sarasota
>>Indiana schools?
>Here's the Indiana one...
>Linspire is not the only one in the mix...Novell Linux Desktop and
>others (including Windows) are in the mix as well with other hardware
>vendors. It is an Intel sponsored project.
>As for Sarasota...there is no detail on it since it's still in
>discussion. Another Intel sponsored push for alternative desktop
As a former student of the Sarasota County School system I think it is a
bad idea. I have been in and visted enough schools to know one thing
kids do not repsect school property.

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