Re: [SLUG] books/ref. material

From: Pete Theisen (
Date: Mon Oct 10 2005 - 20:03:45 EDT

Robin 'Roblimo' Miller wrote:
>> I would like to make it to a meeting very much. the drive is the
>> kicker there. I live in OK. I knew that Robin had a book out, and
>> I had heard some great things about it, but the title had escaped
>> me. I'll look for it though. And, hopefully, my wife and I can
>> make it to a meeting sometime when we are in the FL area! Thank
>> you.
> Michael, my book is very basic/introductory and doesn't get into the
> areas you say you want to explore. You might want to look at
> "Running Linux" and Stutz's "Linux Cookbook." There are two
> "Cookbook" titles; Stutz's is the original and the best.
> (sigh) I need to make more *videos*.

Hi Robin!

You are going to have to get your hair styled then. You have to look
suitably geeky to be in a linux video. Maybe a Penguin style . . .



This is the direction I'm going,
> away from books (and book publishers, who are as bad to authors as
> record companes are to musicians). Actually, I have the first
> videos done -- for a book, but I can also sell or give
> them away on my own according to my contract -- and I'm starting on
> some new ones this week.
> Eventually I'll have videos that cover almost all popular Linux
> software and distributions that you can download (either free or for
> a small fee) or buy on CD, and I'll be able to update them for every
> significant application or distro change instead of waiting until a
> slow old publisher feels like putting out a new edition.
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