[SLUG] yum and apt repositories

From: steve szmidt (steve@szmidt.org)
Date: Mon Oct 10 2005 - 20:13:11 EDT


I thought I'd share something that I learned recently.

With the event of apt and then yum, and their GUI versions Synaptic and Yum
Extender adding, updating and removing (supported) packages is really sweet.

There are few repositories that keep s/w ready for your distro. Two top ones
are Livna and Dag.

Well it turnes out that Livna is not compatible with any other. Using both may
result in strange and even fatal conditions. I'd started to use this one guys
setup as a quick and easy method of getting new machines "updated". I guess
he did not know not to mix these as his setup has all of them.

It was only after stumbling onto a list message someplace that I discovered
this. (Could be there are other warnings, but I never saw them.) This
explains some odd things that have been going on with my boxes.

The safest way, and probably only practical method is to reinstall from
scratch and either using livna or the others. I decided to dump livna but
I'll probably do it on another machine so I can compare them.

Here's the script I use, actually three. (Don't remember if the list allows
this so we'll see.)


Steve Szmidt

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin

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