Re: [SLUG] Before I buy another MOBO

From: Robert Snyder (
Date: Tue Oct 11 2005 - 11:59:28 EDT

John Brown wrote:

>Thanks Everyone!
><SNIP -everything>
>Progress Report
>I used Biostar because I've another Biostar system which has not
>hiccuped in three years of 24/7 abuse.
>Nvidia chipset: Young son wanted to do games and run Maya, Nvidia
>GForce4 supports Maya's graphics rendering engine.
You are better off buying a card than using the onboard igp

>KNOPPIX 4.0.2 Live CD: can't load CUPS printer info.
>Memtest86, Boot CD: everything A Ok, sees all memory, reports normal
>speeds, reports no errors on all tests
>BIOS: no changes, reset to factory and reconfigured -A Ok
>Linspire Live CD: fails at saving printer settings, fails to connect
>Fedora Core 4: takes ten min to load CUPS printer info (sometimes
>fails), same for logout dialog box, all else snappy loading and
>response, (behavior is the same with and without network connections)
>network connections fast and stable (LAN and WAN)
>South-bridge connections fine except printer
>HD: normal activity
>Does CUPS connect to a chip on-board to function?
>Perhaps CUPS incompatible with Nvidia chipset?
No but There are not many fans of the Nforce nic card, you have to load
a firmware driver for it to load and some times that driver does not
always work as expected. The nforce2 chipset is not the most supported
thing out there for linux.

Personally this all sounds like network card isssues. I would try cups
again but with some cheap nic card like a realtek that been support for

>All this worked fine for three months, then "south"
>Time to Buy a new MOBO? Brands? MSI?
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