Re: [SLUG] books on Linux/Unix

From: Paddy (
Date: Tue Oct 11 2005 - 16:52:26 EDT

Bob Foxworth wrote:

>Subject: [SLUG] books on Linux/Unix
>>I am getting out of the "roll your own" operating systems. I have an
>>extensive library of Linux/Unix books. Some are a couple of years old
>>but the basics have not changed. If anyone is interested reply to my
>>private address and you can have them cheap.
>Paddy, I don't know what that address would be, but
>send me a note privately with it and maybe we can work
>something out. I'm always on the lookout for books,
>for example I just found a book on IBM SNA from 1988
>in a used book store for $1 - interesting as I had
>never learned anything about it. Still don't know that much
>more - what is the future in learning SNA anyhow??
>But it at least looks good, and is quite technical,
>which I like. McGraw-Hill >300 pages. Can't say no.
>- Bob the Bookie :-)
>PS you did say cheap? I'll come and get 'em.
>This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked
>Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages
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Hey Bob, How in the heck are you, I haven't heard from you in awhile. If
you see Pat say hello for me and convey my thanks for her help with my son.

Here is what I have for sale;

MySQL Paul DuBois

Running Linux Matt Welsh & Lar Kaufman

Linux Device Drivers Alessandro Rubini

Linux in a Nutshell Ellen Siver $8.00

Know your Enemy The Honeynet Project

Snort 2.0 Intrusion Protection J. Deale, James T. Foster & Jeffrey Posluns

IBM PC Assembly Language & Programming 5th Edition Peter Abel

Learning Perl/TK Nancy Walsh

Hacking Exposed, Network Security Stuart McClure, Joel Scamdray

Using Unix, 3rd Edition Peter Kuo

Hacker’s Challenge Mike Schiffman

TCP/IP Clearly Explaned, 2nd Edition Pete Loshin

Unix Shell Programming, 3rd Edition Lowell J. Arthur, Ted Burns

Professional Apache Peter Wainwright

Virtual Private Networks Ruixi Yuan, W. Timothy Strayer

Linux Firewalls Robert L. Ziegler

Maximun Linux Security Anonymous

Unix, The Complete Reference Rosen, Hoft, Barber & Rosinski

Building Linux & OpenBSd Firewalls Sonnenreich & Yates

C Programming Guide, 2nd Edition Curdum

Learning Perl Schwartz & Christiansen

Online Auctions @ Ebay 2nd Edition Prince

Linux Network Administrators Guide Kirch

Unix Shell Programming Tools Medinets

Real World Linux Security Bob Toxen

Linux Network Butzen & Hilton

Networking, a Beginners Guide 2nd Edition Halberg

Building Internet Firewalls Chatman & Zwicky

Unix for the Impatient Abraham & Larson

Perl 5 Howto 2nd edition Asbury, Glover, Humphreys, Weiss, Matthews & Sol

Implementing Virtual Private Networks Brown

Sam’s Teach Yourself Perl in 21 days Lemay

C++ Programming Today Johnson

Advance Programming Using Visual Basic 6 Bradley & Millspaugh

Teach yourself Linux 4th Edition Reichard Foster–Johnson

Absolute Beginners Guide to Programming Perry

Visual Basic 6 for Dummies Wang

C++ From Scratch Liberty

Absolute Beginners Guide to C Perry

Linux Unleashed 3rd Edition Parker

C++ Programming 101 Perry

JAVA Unleashed

TCP/IP Network Administration Craig Hunt

Using Linux Bill Ball

XML for Dummies Frank Boumphrey

This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked
Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages
posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the
official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.

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