Re: [SLUG] Ethernet?

From: Robert Eanes (
Date: Tue Oct 25 2005 - 13:18:41 EDT

--- Bob Stia <> wrote:

> Hello Sluggers,
> Stupid Question:
> Thinking about going dsl. Don't want wireless.
> My MSI K8T Neo2 MB has a LAN connector on it. Is
> this really an ethernet
> port that I could hook up the DSL modem to? Or do I
> need to go out and
> buy a card.
> Don't laugh at me please. Have never used anything
> but a dial-up modem
> and I know nothing about networks.
> Bob S.

Hi Bob,

I've been using DSL for a while now. I love it. Here
are a few things to think about.

How far are you from the DSLAM (DSL routing equipment
housed at the nearest phone junction building). This
will determine the speed your capable of getting. I
only mention this because it's useful to know when
making the decision between cable and DSL. If your
too far away the phone company will give it to you,
but you won't be able to get very high speeds. My
brother in law is paying the same as I am, but has
twice the speed over DSL. Have a conversation with
the sales rep about this... maybe even tech support
for verizon, and ask "what is limits on speed for a
dsl connection to my phone". Hopefully you will get
an honest answer.

Now to address your original question.. if the jack on
the back of your computer is a network port (rj45, 8
pin telephone jack on steriods) then it will plug into
a network switch or router. Most external DSL modems
are DSL rj-11 in (regular phone jack) and Network
rj-45 out. You shouldn't have to worry about crossover
cables or anything as most jacks are autosensing now,
but if you do, contact the list and I'm sure someone
will be happy to help. A diagram for this kind of
setup looks something like this:

Phone Line ---> filter ---> phone

Phone Line --rj-11--> ( DSL Modem --rj-45--> Network
Hub/Switch )*1 ---> computer

*1 dsl modem and switch usually comes all in one
device, and is only mentioned this way because
sometimes it doesn't. Other flavors are DSL Modem to
USB or an internal PCI DSL modem card.

Good Luck,
R Eanes

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