Paul M Foster wrote:
>On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 02:13:12AM -0400, Pete Theisen wrote:
>>Googling for spec lists. Small orange tech says I have to move myself
>>because the turkeys I have now millenicom don't use cPanel, whatever
>>that is.
>cPanel, Plesk and others are standard (non-free) software which you use
>to administer your site. Using these packages, you are given a web
>interface to set up new email accounts, databases, or most anything else
>regarding your site. Many or most hosting companies provide one or
>another of these packages, basically to keep their support costs down.
>Otherwise, you'd have to call them every time you wanted to change
>something about your site (unless you're a guru).
Also if you are moving from one cpanel host to another, you can get the
new host do a cpanel to cpanel transfer. basicly moves everything over
for you with out having to do anything (usually)
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