Re: [SLUG] linux / windows

From: William Coulter (
Date: Tue Nov 15 2005 - 14:37:18 EST

I will have to agree with Richard. I have switched from Red Hat to Mandrake over to Fedora Core
to Slackware and finally to SUSE. I have ran 9.1, 9.2 and now 9.3. I am thinking of upgrading to
10 because it has more support for Novell systems. I am also thinking about using the openNovell
server or workstation (I think that I have the names right.). Fedora Core and Mandrake were the
easiest, by far, to install. I just didn't like some of the things and the way they did managed
the system.

I have been running SUSE for the past 6 months and the only two things that I still can't get to
run is the sound and windows media files in Kaffine. I have some fixes but I havn't had the time
to try them.

The install was simple with easy to understand menus and if you didn't know what was going on, it
has help menus on the left side of the menus. I can say that I am not the best at figuring out
linux. But I have installed SUSE 9.3 on 3 different pcs now. As long as I configure what I want
to install with what packages it has installed everytime and 90% of it works. I have changed out
DVD drives to CD-rw drives and usb memory sticks in all 3 pcs and have had no trouble with SUSE
configuring everything out for me. Yeah, it configured the stuff for me.

The last thing I will say is download 9.3 or 10 and give it a try. It can't hurt. You could even
go out to Best Buy and buy it off the shelf. You would get DVDs and/or CDs.


--- Richard Smoot <> wrote:

> I have never had a SUSE distro get unstable starting with 8.0 PRO.
> I have only used the official mirrors for updates.
> I have changed versions mainly as they came availible and and offered
> newer versions of things like GIMP
> XANDROS 2.0 never went unstable for me. They are slow on updates and
> the full upgrade to 3.0 was not a free download.
> Richard Smoot

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