Re: [SLUG] More Emulation/Virtual Processing

From: Eben King (
Date: Tue Nov 29 2005 - 15:11:27 EST

On Tue, 29 Nov 2005, Eben King wrote:

> On Tue, 29 Nov 2005, michael hast wrote:
> > Robert Snyder wrote:
> >
> > > It all depends on what you are looking to emulate on the ppc platform
> > >
> > > OSX/other nix based OSes then you cant beat PearPC which does run
> > > faster than my 400mhz G3 B/W system which runs OSX 10.4 just fine.
> > > There have been improvements too it and my copy of pear pc with all
> > > the tweaks and such boots with in 2-3 minutes a little slower than my
> > > 400mhz the biggest problem is video draw rates. There is a on going
> > > discussion in how you could treat the OSX desktop as a 3d enviroment
> > > and pass opengl calls to the host system for faster preformance.
> > >
> > > On 11/28/05, *Eben King* <
> > > <>> wrote:
> > >
> > > PearPC works, but it's
> > > glacial. I'm talking, half an hour to boot on a 2GHz x86.
> > >
> > Well, those are a couple of completely different reviews of the same
> > app! Controversy means it's probably worth looking at! :-)
> Yeah, maybe it's improved since I tried, or maybe my installation was
> hosed, or maybe OS X 10.2 doesn't get along with PearPC.

OK, I decided to try PearPC again. Unfortunately, I could not get it to
boot, on either the MacOS X 10.2 installation DVD or the Yellow Dog Linux
CDs. With MacOSX, when I have prom_env_machargs = "-v", it
complains about /dev/rdisk1s1s2 having overlapping extent allocation (What
device is that anyhow?), does
something akin to an fsck, fails and exits (the HD is still untouched). From

## machargs: set to "-v" to get a verbose startup. this will
## often fail in Mac OS X 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4.

So I disabled it, just for kicks. Still fails, in about the same time, only
now I can't see what it's doing. In either case, the executable prints out
(after the GPL thing)

[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 = 0x00300003
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 accepted
[CPU/MMU] number of pages: 2^15 pagetable_start: 0x00300000 size: 2^18
[CPU/CPU] execution started at 01c00cb0
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 = 0x0100003f
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 accepted
[CPU/MMU] number of pages: 2^19 pagetable_start: 0x01000000 size: 2^22
[IO/CUDA] <Warning> reset!

I've done this before, so it should work, but it doesn't. Any ideas why

Wy config file (minus the comments) is:

ppc_start_resolution = "1400x1050x15"
redraw_interval_msec = 40
key_toggle_mouse_grab = "F12"
key_toggle_full_screen = "Alt+Return"
prom_bootmethod = "select"
prom_env_machargs = "-v"
prom_driver_graphic = "/mnt/auto/scratch/PearPC/video.x"
pci_ide0_master_installed = 1
pci_ide0_master_image = "/mnt/auto/scratch/PearPC/mac-os-x.img"
pci_ide0_slave_installed = 1
pci_ide0_slave_image = "/mnt/auto/scratch/mac-os-x.iso"
pci_usb_installed = 0
nvram_file = "/mnt/auto/scratch/PearPC/nvram"

Yes, the dir stays mounted, as it's my cwd.

[eben@pc PearPC]$ ls -l /mnt/auto/scratch/PearPC/video.x /mnt/auto/scratch/PearPC/mac-os-x.img /mnt/auto/scratch/mac-os-x.iso /mnt/auto/scratch/PearPC/nvram
-rw-rw-r-- 1 eben eben 2.1G Jan 2 2005 /mnt/auto/scratch/mac-os-x.iso
-rw-rw-r-- 1 eben eben 3.0G Nov 29 11:52 /mnt/auto/scratch/PearPC/mac-os-x.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 eben eben 8.0K Nov 29 12:21 /mnt/auto/scratch/PearPC/nvram
-rwxrwxr-x 1 eben eben 12K Nov 29 11:36 /mnt/auto/scratch/PearPC/video.x*

That video.x needn't be executable (I think), but that's the way it came out
of the compiler.

-eben    ebQenW1@EtaRmpTabYayU.rIr.OcoPm
LEO:  Now is not a good time to photocopy your butt and staple
it to your boss' face, oh no.  Eat a bucket of tuna-flavored pudding
and wash it down with a gallon of strawberry Quik.  -- Weird Al

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