If you want to rip Windows at least make valid points....
On 11/30/05, Kwan Lowe <kwan@digitalhermit.com> wrote:
> I enjoy when some Windows "power user" swings by my home office to chat.
> Most of
> them have read and can parrot the Microsoft verbiage about how Linux is
> somehow not
> as "professional" as Windows. They have heard their Microsoft reps say
> things like,
> "Well if you're going to use a FREE OS, then you get what you pay for."
> They have
> read their Windows magazines. So they stop by, armed with their glorious
> picture of
> the Microsoft World.... And get furiously stomped.
They get stomped by you how? Do you go crazy like Godzilla and stomp their
As wonderful and heartwarming as the Linux community and GPL and
> free-as-in-speech
> computing is, what it boils down to is that Linux is very *practical*. I
> can get a
> heckuva lot of stuff done that I couldn't in front of a Windows box, at
> least not
> without some significant cash outlay.
Besides the cost of buying Windows perhaps you should state what that
"significant cash layout" is. I hope you don't say Office because you know
how to use OO.
Windows also has these annoying little problems that don't exist on Linux.
> For
> example, the Citrix client works well on Linux with two screens.
> Everything works as
> normal. Try it on the Windows machine and the client gets confused and
> draws massive
> windows. I *NEED* multiple virtual desktops to organize my work. In Linux
> just
> about every window manager can do this well. In Windows you can load the
> Powertools
> desktop switcher but it doesn't work correctly with apps such as Excel
> (maximize,
> switch to another desktop, switch back, and you've lost your menus). In
> Linux I can
> create a PDF from a printjob very easily.... In Windows I was told I need
> to install
> Acrobat... Etc. etc..
Can't say I've ever had that problem with Citrix. And why do you you need
to install Acrobat? Up above you're telling us how you often use Open
Office. Oh that's right. You couldn't make your point if you bothered to
mention that you can do that in OO and that it's free.
Geez, whenever I use Windows I feel like I'm riding a tricycle.
As opposed to trying to ride a unicycle with only one leg trying to get
something to work in Linux? Overall I'd give this troll posting a 1/10.
Perhaps next time you should try to point out advantages of using Linux
instead of spreading your own FUD. They could be things like:
- Choice. There's more distro's than you can shake a stick at. If one
doesn't work for you there's probably one out there that does.
- GUI. I'd kill to have KDE on Windows. Hell I'd kill to have OSX GUI
- Security. Not running as root is a good thing. No viruses. No spyware.
No Sony rootkit.
- Bugs are fixed within hours/days instead of 6+ months
- Limited support for MS products when they reach their life cycle. How
many people out there still use Windows 98 or ME?
- Live CD's. It's like a try before you buy. Don't like it? Well you
didn't have to install it to find out you don't like it.
- Obtaining application software. How many CD's is the latest Debian stable
release? 14?
There's more and I'm sure others can point them out. But there's also
reasons to run Windows. And reasons you may want to run OSX.
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