Re: [SLUG] a CD-R writing question

From: Ron Youvan (
Date: Tue Feb 28 2006 - 21:19:27 EST

> Some questions that need to be answered
> What Interface is it ?

   IDE in fact /dev/hdb the iso images are always on /dev/hdd
> if IDE what type of cable are you using. are you using a UATA 133 rated cable
   80 pin udma 133 with udma 133 hard drives on a udma 100 mommy board
> Anyway I seen this problem when the cd burner can not seem to fill its buffer.
> Which causes a lot of I/O commands back and forth eating up memory and processor time.

   The problem is not the burn, which goes smoothly at 8 or 12 X (and nothing in between?)
with every mommy board+CPU and CD-R writer that I have ever owned, currently using a
Plextor PleXwriter 12/10/34A. It is the "Fixating" which lasts over 20 seconds seems to
use 99% of the system's resources, freezing every other operation, (windows users friends
of mine HAVE observed a similar thing, in different ways) while "gnome system monitor"
fails to show any noticeable change to the CPU usage, the "memory used" does drop slightly
when the write is complete. (I use the latest version of cdrecord)

the tail of one of my CD-R write logs:
Starting new track at sector: 0
Track 01: 0 of 668 MB written. Track 01: 668 of 668 MB written (fifo 100%) -
[buf 87%] 12.6x.
Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 701478912/701478912 (342519 sectors).

Writing time: 394.832s

Average write speed 11.8x.

Min drive buffer fill was 86%


Fixating time: 25.477s

cdrecord: fifo had 11049 puts and 11049 gets.

cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 6173 times full, min fill was 99%.

< original message -
  Does anyone know why "Fixating" a "CD-R write" (closing the disk)
causes the computer to crawl to a stop (causing the mouse pointer on
the X windows system to become a black X) as I write the CD-R (or RW)
in LINUX in a virtual console - while the "gnome system monitor"
fails to show any noticeable change to the CPU usage, the "memory used"
does drop when the write is complete. (windows users friends of mine
HAVE observed the same thing, in a different way)

  At first I thought it might be the computer calculating the directory
structure, but the "directory structure" must already be in the iso image
or we wouldn't be able to mount and browse the iso image.

   Ron  KA4INM
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