[SLUG] quoting

From: Eben King (eben01@verizon.net)
Date: Thu Jun 01 2006 - 18:57:58 EDT

OK, I can't figure this out. I'm sure it's logical, but I don't have a
handle on the logic.

What I've got is a shell script, written in ksh (think of it as a dialect of

40 function choose_a_background
41 {
42 [[ -z $BACKGROUNDDIR ]] && BACKGROUNDDIR=/export/media/backgrounds
43 [[ -z $PATTERNDIR ]] && PATTERNDIR=/export/media/patterns
45 case $1 in
46 tall)
47 FIND_FLAGS="$FIND_FLAGS -name tall_\\*" ;;
48 wide)
49 FIND_FLAGS="$FIND_FLAGS ! -name tall_\\*"
50 esac
51 print -u2 "FIND_FLAGS='$FIND_FLAGS'" # diagnostic
52 # Initialize PRNG in ksh
53 [[ -c /dev/random ]] \
54 && RANDOM=$( dd if=/dev/random bs=4 count=1 2>/dev/null \
55 | sum - \
56 | cut -f 1 -d " " )
57 numfiles=$(find $FIND_FLAGS ! -name random\* | wc -l)
58 print -u2 found $numfiles files # diagnostic

I run this script every 6 hours to change my backdrop. It _should_ choose
one appropriately shaped, i.e. tall ones for when the screen is rotated,
regular ones otherwise. That's why I have the "case $1 in" business.
Likewise, tall images are named tall_something.

So, I need to add "-name tall\*" or "! -name tall\*" to find's options.
I've tried between 1 and 6 backslashes in line 47, single quotes around
tall_\\* with varying numbers of backslashes, reducing "$BACKGROUNDDIR
$PATTERNDIR" to "/export", reducing tall_\\* to \\*, and what I've found out
is that:

with this many backslashes it'll find
0 something having to do with filenames in $PWD
1 files named "*"
2 files named "\*"?
3+ ??

It seems I have the filenames correct:

find /export/media/backgrounds /export/media/patterns -type f -name tall_\* | wc -l

So, can anyone see where I've screwed up?

-eben     QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP     http://royalty.no-ip.org:81
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