Re: [SLUG] DMA off?

From: Eben King (
Date: Sun Jun 04 2006 - 02:02:36 EDT

On Sat, 3 Jun 2006, Jason Boxman wrote:

> On Saturday 03 June 2006 01:05, Eben King wrote:
> <snip>
>> They were on the same channel. Maybe something went wrong, and the wrong
>> drive got the blame? They're the same model, so I hardly blame the
>> computer for fingering the wrong drive hanging off ide0.
> Speaking of which, had you had a chance to run SMART diagnostics with
> `smartctl`? On modern drives you can initiate short and long tests while the
> system is up and running. Or, you might try something like MaxBlaster or
> Seagate Tools or whatever for your drive brand and see what the results of a
> non-destructive test are, just to be sure.

I downloaded and ran a bootable-CD test thingy from I did the
(non-destructive) extended test on both drives and it found no problems.
Maybe it's the motherboard controller that's going bad? Might be the DMA
controller overheating; the errors occur after doing heavy data transfer for
an hour and a half.

I wired all four devices up the old way, but with the primary and secondary
switched, so it's like this:

   Primary---hda = DVD #1 (R/W)
           +-hdb = DVD #2 (R)

Secondary---hdc = HD #1
           +-hdd = HD #2

I had to redo lilo, /etc/fstab, and autofs, but otherwise it's fine.
(Curiously, the BIOS had no problems. Guess it doesn't use bus position
to determine boot order.) I'll see how it goes over the next few days.

-eben   QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP
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        "Not only does God play dice, he sometimes throws
        them where they can't be seen." -- Stephen Hawking
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