Re: [SLUG] dvdauthor - formerly - Hello? Anybody here?

From: ronan (
Date: Tue Jun 20 2006 - 23:34:51 EDT

Can you post your XML file that dvdauthor is supposed to be reading?
The 'text not allowed here' is probably a complaint about the formatting
of your XML file (for a guess). It should look something like this old
file that I had lying around:

<dvdauthor dest="work">
         <pgc pause="2">
            <vob file="final/Vintro.mpeg" pause="2"/>
            <vob file="final/Vsetup1.mpeg" pause="2"/>
            <vob file="final/VannslynDance.mpeg" pause="2"/>
            <vob file="final/Vbubbles.mpeg" pause="2"/>
            <vob file="final/Vceremony1.mpeg" pause="2"/>
            <vob file="final/Vreception1.mpeg" pause="2"/>
            <vob file="final/Vreception2.mpeg" pause="2"/>
            <vob file="final/Vbachelorette.mpeg" pause="2"/>
            <vob file="final/Vphotoshoot.mpeg" pause="2"/>
            <vob file="final/Valbum.mpeg" pause="2"/>


>What the heck is that "text not allowed here" thing?

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