On 8/2/06, steve szmidt <steve@szmidt.org> wrote:
> Question for those running one of the above.
> Does the user run as a user with root privileges, or is there a password
> involved when needing root privileges?
> Looks like it might be bypassing the security of running as a normal user,
> but
> I'm not sure if I got it right.
> --
> Steve Szmidt
Assuming things have not changed from Hoary, default installation had the
user running non-privileged, with sudoers entry to enable user to sudo all
commands (after prompting for user 's password). No root password by
default, so can't log in to root by password.
sudo -s -H (followed by user's password) for shell as root. visudo or
otherwise update /etc/sudoers to customize to taste.
~ Daniel
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