Re: [SLUG] XFS, Reiser, and Ext3

From: Eben King (
Date: Mon Sep 11 2006 - 17:38:09 EDT

On Mon, 11 Sep 2006, William Coulter wrote:

> --- steve szmidt <> wrote:
>> On Monday 11 September 2006 15:53, William Coulter wrote:
>>> I am using it for an everyday usage. Standard home os, but I do try and
>>> keep lots of ISOs handy. I have found that it runs smoothly from the hard
>>> drive and not from a cd.
>> Eh, what runs?

> Burnning ISO from the hard drive rather than a cd. I have only one cd
> burnner and I don't want to keep moving that drive from PC to PC.

I don't think that's related to the filesystem. At CD writing rates, you're
really not stressing the filesystem at all. FWIW, I get over 50 MB/s
between IDE channels. 1x = audio CD rate = 2 x 2 x 44.1 kB/s = 176.4 kB/s,
so 50 MB/s is the rough equivalent of a 290x drive. The fastest CD-R drive
I've heard of is 50+/-2x, so you're not pushing it there.

Your poor performance when reading from a CD is probably due to poor seek
time on CD drives (dozens of ms, as opposed to <10 ms on HDs) coupled with
relatively low throughput. Add in slow spin-up if it spins down, which it
probably doesn't.

-eben    QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP
LIBRA:  A big promotion is just around the corner for someone
much more talented than you.  Laughter is the very best medicine,
remember that when your appendix bursts next week.  -- Weird Al
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