I know we have been dropping in numbers in Brandon. I do always get at least 1 new face per meeting. The thing is I would like our numbers to go up. I listed our meetings on a Bits and Bytes Radio Show Message Board that airs every Sunday in Sarasota. They are on am and I can not get it here in Tampa. I have been appointed as one of the Moderators for this Message Board just as I still co run the one that was from the Am 970 WFLA Wired Radio Show. Even though the Show is gone and Clear Channel promised to bring it back with new People over a year ago they have not.
The Person who is main Admin on the Wired Board is the Admin on Bits and Bytes and encouraged me to join and be a Mod on there as well to help promote SLUG and Linux. So if anyone wants to step up to the PLATE and HELP please SPEAK UP! This will help in many ways.
Everyone needs to also know SLUG is a Community which means anyone that wants to see Certain Presentations, or give one SPEAK UP, this group is for ALL! I can not stress this enough give us some input!
Also as mentioned many Companies no longer seem to support the LUGS or have dropped the ball on many LUGS and only seem to want to be seen or heard at HUGE events... Many forget that we are the first line of helping people out and to put the word out.
The attitude with most of these Companies is hey you can down load the distro! While this is true to most there is also something they forget once and a While it is nice to have a more Full Featured Distro time to time to have for Prizes and help promote their products, promote the LUGS and Community.
Now the other thing is it is good to get some copies sent to us to pass out so that too can promote the Linux Gospel! In honesty it’s pathetic that the only company wanting to step up is UBUNTU to send us copies of their Distro.
Next to help our Attendance get back to where they were we need all members to help Promote SLUG and Linux. Its team work just as it was for all the shows we have done!
We need everyone to help put the word out to let people know about Linux, and the LUG! When people see or hear how much it means to some one they will be more convinced. They will also then take interest in Linux and want to join up with the LUG!
I know every time I see some one grabbing a copy of Redhat or S.u.S.E. or even Xandros in the stores that means there is an opportunity to speak up and to make conversation.
This also gives an opportunity to bring up SLUG.
The Weekly Planet a few Years ago did an Article on Linux and we were all through it. Part of the Article was calling me a Street Preacher. Though I thought that was over the top I do take the time to put the word out.
I also still wish I had a copy of that Weekly Planet.
The reason I got into SLUG was not only to get into Linux but be part of a Community to help others. This is why it’s rewarding to also be a Moderator on two Message boards to help users out.
You do not have to be a Supreme Geek to promote either Linux of the Lug. That is the beauty of Linux. Many people to this day still know nothing or hardly anything about Linux but the FUD. Many still believe you have to be a Technical or College Graduate to understand and use Linux. This is where we come in as well to change that belief.
Robins Books were also created to break that myth and show people how easy it can be to use Linux and Open Office.
Part of keeping SLUG strong will be based on the hard work and effort that each puts in it. No mistake about it we were getting great turn outs. Now is the time everyone, now is the time to pull together and work as a Team!
Also as mentioned if anyone wants to meet up on a Saturday at Barnes and Nobles and help each other or just to meet up let me know!!! We can also do our own show as well how ever it takes a team to be Successful! One can not do it alone.
So now if anyone wants to do a Presentation Speak up! If anyone wants to chat on IRC which also means on non meeting days or days you can not make one you can do this online. I honestly feel you will get more out of SLUG and the Linux Community if you want it and put some effort into it. The shows we did were successful because of the work that everyone put into it. Just as the future of SLUG and our Community the more we put into it the more rewarding and fun it will be.
How ever the Officers and Meeting Coordinators can not do this alone. It’s a lot of work to try to gather up goodies, to try to give a presentation or get someone to give one. It’s also more rewarding to see smiles then frowns and to know you can help some one of point them in the right direction. It’s also rewarding to hear the simple thanks time to time as well when you are able to help some one out.
Bill Preece
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