Re: [SLUG] {SPAM?} Rumors of demise

From: Dylan William Hardison (
Date: Mon Sep 25 2006 - 00:29:13 EDT

Spake Aaron Steimle on Sunday, September 24, 2006 at 11:24PM -0400:
> My for my tardiness on this topic I was on my honeymoon.

Hehe, there are things more important in this world than linux and SLUG. :-)

> As for tomorrow it looks like the TBAD and homeless St. Pete meeting
> will take place at Globe Coffee Lounge. Sadly again, I will be unable to
> attend. I am getting my house tented ( gotta love florida and termintes)
> and we have to clean it out.

of course, TBAD and the St. Pete meeting are two different days.

I'll try to have everyone focus on finding a meeting place that matches
your three requirements.

"I remember when, granpaw use to say, 'Grandson, these be the good
old days."
              -- David "Ziggy" Marley, "Good Old Days" (song)
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